1-43August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE D1517 Blown fuse on safety circuit emergency line.
Fuse F1 on the 1KP board is open.
Main causes include:
1. Incorrect wiring in the emergency line (wiring harness, emergency stop, safety fence,
external trigger, teach pendant, limit switches).
2. Short-circuit in the emergency line (wiring harness, emergency stop, safety fence,
external trigger, teach pendant, limit switches).
3. Defective 1KP board.
Check wiring and components in the safety circuit emergency line and repair/replace
as necessary
Replace 1KP board.
Ensure the controller power is set OFF, when wiring safety circuits. The fuse F1 will
blow if wiring is shorted.
ERROR CODE D1518 Mismatch in the Emer. Stop condition safety circuit.
Main causes include:
1. When the system is set for double safety circuits, and the circuits at the operation
panel, teach pendant, and/or the external emergency stop switch are wired as single
2. Disconnection or ground fault in the emergency stop circuit.
3. Defective 1KP board.
With the E-STOP switch(es) engaged, check wiring harness and switches in the
circuit and repair or replace as necessary
Ensure all contacts in the external emergency stop circuit are wired correctly (double
If the above steps do not correct the problem, replace the 1KP board.