Cisco MGX Route Processor Module (RPM-PR) Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2.1, Part Number 78-12510-02 Rev. C1, August 31, 2004
Chapter 5 Configuring the MGX RPM-PR
Booting the RPM-PR
Step 6 Enter show run to view your configuration. The configuration is similar to the one shown here.
Router#show run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 710 bytes
version 12.1
no service single-slot-reload-enable
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
boot system tftp /tftpboot/balbalas/rpm-js-mz
boot config c:auto_config_slot11
logging rate-limit console 10 except errors
enable password cisco
ip subnet-zero
no ip finger
no ip dhcp-client network-discovery
Step 7 Enter copy run start at the prompt to write the configuration to the router NVRAM memory.
Router#copy run start
Building configuration...
Step 8 To load the runtime image from the TFTP server, enter the reload command on the RPM-PR.
Configuring Ethernet Interfaces
Once back card cable connections are made (see Chapter 4, “Cabling the MGX RPM-PR Back Cards”
for connector descriptions and cable attachment instructions) and basic configuration on the RPM-PR is
completed, you can configure Ethernet and Fast Ethernet interfaces.
Preparing to Configure Ethernet Interfaces
To configure interfaces in a new RPM-PR or change the configuration of an existing interface, you need
to know the following information:
• Internet protocol (IP) address for each interface
• Network mask for each interface
• Full or half-duplex connection
• MGX-RJ45-FE connectors—MII or RJ-45
• MGX-MMF-FE connectors—MII or SC