MPLS Forwarding Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show mpls forwarding
Cisco IOS XR Multiprotocol Label Switching Command Reference
Owner: LDP
The following is sample output from the show mpls forwarding command using the location keyword
and a specific node ID:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show mpls forwarding location 0/1/CPU0
Local Outgoing Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Label Label Interface Switched
------ ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------
22 Pop Label PO0/1/0/0 0
23 Pop Label PO0/1/0/0 0
24 Pop Label PO0/1/0/0 0
25 Unlabeled tt13 point2point 0
The following is sample output from the show mpls forwarding command using the tunnels keyword:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show mpls forwarding tunnels
Tunnel Outgoing Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Name Label Interface Switched
-------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------
tt13 18 PO0/1/0/0 13200
The following is sample output from the show mpls forwarding command using the summary
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show mpls forwarding summary
Forwarding entries:
Label switching: 4
IPv4 label imposition: 4
MPLS TE tunnel head: 1
MPLS TE fast-reroute: 0
Forwarding updates:
42 updates, 28 messages
Labels in use:
Reserved: 4
Lowest: 22
Highest: 25
Table 37 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 37 show mpls forwarding Field Descriptions
Field Description
Local Label Label assigned by this router.
Outgoing Label Label assigned by the next hop or downstream peer. Some of the entries that
display in this column are:
• Unlabeled —No label for the destination from the next hop, or label
switching is not enabled on the outgoing interface.
• Pop Label — Next hop advertised an implicit-null label for the
Prefix or Tunnel ID Address or tunnel to which packets with this label are going.
Outgoing interface Interface through which packets with this label are sent.
Next Hop IP address of neighbor that assigned the outgoing label.
Bytes Switched Number of bytes switched with this incoming label.