089037008711 DadoThroatPlatewithSpecialWasher
_I_, WARNING:Currentattachmentsandaccessoriesavailablefor usewiththistoolarelistedabove.Donotuse
anyattachmentsoraccessoriesnotrecommendedbythemanufacturerofthistool.Theuseof attachmentsor
Excess vibration.
Rip fence does not move
Blade is out of balance.
Blade is damaged.
Saw is not mounted securely.
Work surface is uneven.
Blade is warped.
Rip fence not mounted correctly.
Rails are dirty or sticky.
Clamp screw is out of adjustment.
Replace blade.
Replace blade.
Tighten all hardware.
Reposition on flat surface.
Adjust legs of optional stand.
Check saw blade installation. Replace blade if
Remount the rip fence.
Clean and wax rails.
Adjust clamp screw counterclockwise.
Rip fence does not lock at Clamp screw is out of adjustment. Adjust clamp screw clockwise.
Cutting binds or burns work.
Wood edges away from rip
fence when ripping.
Blade is dull.
Blade is heeling.
Work is fed too fast.
Rip fence is misaligned.
Wood is warped.
Spreader is out of alignment.
Blade not properly sharpened or set.
Replace or sharpen blade.
See page 29 on "Heeling the Blade".
Slow the feed rate.
Align the rip fence.
Replace the wood. Always cut with convex
side to table surface.
See "Tocheck and align the spreader/riving knife
and saw blade" in the Assembly section.
Resharpen or set blade.