Users Manual
Table 3. Screen Abbreviations (cont)
Screen Usage Name and Description
DPF Displacement Power Factor cosφ fundamental
The ratio of the active power (W) to the apparent power
(VA rms) at the fundamental frequency. Equivalent to
φ at that frequency. Traditional power factor for linear
HZ Waveform Screens: Fundamental frequency in hertz
Harmonics Screens: Frequency of selected harmonic in
KF K-Factor
A load current waveform rating calculation that rates the
waveform’s capability to produce harmonic-related heat
loss in transformers and other magnetic components.
Used to select transformer K-ratings that match load
current K-factor measurements.
PF Power Factor
Ratio of active power to apparent power (including all
harmonics).True power factor for all loads, linear and
% THD-F Total Harmonic Distortion (as % of Fundamental)
Defines amount of harmonic distortion as a percentage
of the waveform at the fundamental frequency.
% THD - F = rms of harmonics (less fundamental)
rms of fundamental
% THD-R Total Harmonic Distortion (as % of rms total)
Defines amount of harmonic distortion as a percentage
of the rms value of waveforms at all frequencies
(fundamental and harmonics).
% THD - R = rms of harmonics (less fundamental)
total rms