
Chapter 7: Device Manager Operation
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FaxFinder Admin User Guide 154
Device Manager “File” Menu
File Menu Command Description of Fields & Buttons
Logging Options can be used to alter the
default logging options for the Device
Manager. Normally, changes to these
options are not required, unless directed by
Multi-Tech Technical Support.
Save Log on Exit: Check this to ensure the
Log file exists after the application is closed.
Trace Level: Denotes the amount of trace
output recorded by Device Manager.
Range = 1-9. Default= 5.
The higher the number, the more details are
being recorded about the activities of the
Device Manager program.
Custom Log File: Check this to create a
log file other than the default. You may
Browse to an existing file folder and type in
the name of the custom log file in the edit
Defaults: Restores all Logging information
to factory defaults.
View Log: Opens the existing log file for
Explore: Opens Windows Explorer for
finding existing Log files..
Delete Log: Deletes the current Log.
Delete All Logs: Removes any previously
existing Log files.
OK to save your changes and exit.
Cancel to discard changes and exit.
Exit Closes the Device Manager program.