Strong Enterprises 48057 Work Light User Manual

THE COLOR BOOMERANG is equipped with six color holders and an ultraviolet filter.
Additional filter holders can be supplied by an authorized Strong International Dealer.
TO OPERATE INDIVIDUAL COLOR FILTERS, lower the desired filter selector lever. A
rocker catch located in the color disc housing holds the filter in position.
TO RELEASE A COLOR, push the filter release lever or engage another color, thus releasing
the previous color automatically.
TO REPLACE A FILTER HOLDER, open the hinged top of the color disc housing and lift out
the desired filter holder.
or equivalent) cut to nine inch diameter are
required, and are secured in the filter holders with paper fasteners.
NOTE: WHEN PLACING COLOR FILTERS in the boomerang, the less dense colors (pink,
amber) should be placed in the holders toward the rear of the boomerang (toward arc), and those of greater
density (red, green) should be placed in the holders toward the front of the boomerang (away from the arc).
COLOR TEMPERATURE REDUCTION FILTERS, required for use with television and
videotape, are available from theatrical supply dealers.