58 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
to each of those destinations. After you define a reflector source, you must define a destination for
the reflected stream. Each of the destination options shown in Table 12 is explained on the
following pages.
Table 12. Reflector Sources and Destinations †
It is important to note that the reflector always sends exactly what is received. For this
reason, there are no video or audio configuration fields on the reflector pages nor do the
destination pages let you select different video and audio rates. The default Reflector Source
is None which means the reflector features are disabled.
Configuration: Reflector > Source
Use this page to configure a reflector source. Reflector sources are shown in Table 12. The
source screen varies on whether you configure a Push Receiver or a Pull Receiver.
Push Receiver
The push receiver is similar to a publishing point on a Microsoft Windows Media Server. You
must configure a name and can optionally enable authentication and configure a user name
and password. One important difference between the VBrick push reflector and a Microsoft
Server Publishing point is that the VBrick WM appliance cannot re-mux a multiple bit rate
push. This means that if the source of the push contains multiple video and/or audio streams, the
reflector will send the complete stream with all video and audio included to all destinations. This will
only be useful if there is a Microsoft Windows Media Server downstream from the VBrick
reflector appliance. Note that all push attempts, successful or unsuccessful, are logged on the
Reflector Status page. See Status: Reflector Status
on page 99.
Source • Live stream HTTP push from a VBrick WM appliance or a Microsoft
•Live stream HTTP pull from a VBrick appliance, a Microsoft encoder, or a
Windows Media server (live or stored).
Destination • Multicast.
• Served HTTP and RTSP Unicast (Pull).
•Archive to a File.
• HTTP Push (1–25 destinations).
† The configured maximum number of pull clients and the configured maximum number of
push destinations cannot exceed 202.
Note The push reflector does not support buffering or metering. VBrick recommends that
the number of re-reflections be limited. In some cases it may be necessary to increase
the Buffer Size on the source encoder's Configuration: Encoder > Video page.