Voicemail Pro Page 22
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro plus IVR and or TTS
Minimum PC Requirements: Basic Voicemail Pro
Athlon XP 3000+, Athlon 64
Also allow 1MB per minute for message and prompt storage.
*Generic TTS only. The current ScanSoft TTS provided with Voicemail
Pro is not supported on Vista.
Vista Business/Enterprise
· If the database being queried is located on the VM Pro server the query speed of the database will be affected by
the amount of memory available. Please take into account the memory requirements of the database being
Voicemail Pro plus Compact Call Center
Minimum PC Requirements: Basic Voicemail Pro
Athlon XP 3000+, Athlon 64
Also allow 1MB per minute for message and prompt storage.
Vista Business/Enterprise
· VM Pro and CCC can be run on the same server up to a maximum of 25 agents, 8 ports of VM Pro. Any Dual Core
CPU of 2.4Ghz and higher is supported.
Location - %ProgramFiles%\Avaya\IP Office\
Voicemail Pro\VM\vmprov5svc.exe
UDP 50791.
UDP 50795.
ALL 50801.
ALL 8089.
Voicemail Pro\VM\VMPDBSvc.exe
Voicemail Pro\VPIMClient.exe
Voicemail Pro\VPIM\vpimdbsvr.exe
Voicemail Pro\VPIM\VPIMReceiver.exe
Voicemail Pro\VPIM\VPIMServer3.exe
Voicemail Pro\IMS\IMSAdmin.exe
Voicemail Pro\IMS\IMSServiceRestart.exe
Voicemail Pro\IMS\UMServer.exe
TCP 445.
TCP 593.
UDP 445.
UDP 593
Voicemail Pro\IMS\VMServer.exe
Voicemail Pro\VM\IMSSec.exe
%ProgramFiles%\Avaya\IMS Client\UMSForm.exe
TCP 445.
TCP 593.
UDP 445.
UDP 593.