Voicemail Pro Page 56
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
2.5.4 Operation Configuring Email Users and Groups for Voicemail Email
Voicemail Email can be used with user mailboxes and hunt group mailboxes.
User or group email addresses can be specified only through IP Office Manager. The remaining settings, for example
email alert, can be set using any of the following methods:
· Through IP Office Manager.
For more information, see the IP Office Manager help or user guide.
· By logging in to the mailbox (for IP Office mode mailboxes).
Voicemail Lite or Voicemail Pro users who are have an IP Office mode mailbox can switch Voicemail Email on/off and
select the mode of Voicemail Email operation. The exact method for doing this depends on the type of telephone being
used. Mailbox owners can find more information in the IP Office Mailbox User Guide.
· Through a Voicemail Pro call flow that uses a Play Configuration Menu action.
For Voicemail Pro systems, the Play Configuration Menu action can be used to allow a caller set a user or group's
Voicemail Email alert mode. Note however that this action is not aware whether the user or group has an email
address set for the service. For more information, see Play Configuration Menu Action .
Other Phone Types and External Call Access
If no email address has been set for the user or group, the voicemail server responds with the message "Email is not
enabled for this mailbox".
After they log in to their mailbox, mailbox owners have the following options:
· *01 - Sets the Voicemail Email mode to Forward.
· *02 - Sets the Voicemail Email mode to Alert.
· *03 - Sets the Voicemail Email mode to Off.
Mailbox owners can find out more in the user guide for their type of mailbox.