
Voicemail Pro Page 278
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
6.9.4 Test Variable
For Voicemail Pro 4.2+, the Test Variable action has been added and replaces the previous Check Digits action. It
allows calls to be routed based on matching the value of a system variable to a specified value.
To add a Test Variable action:
1.Click the Conditions Actions icon and select Test Variable.
The following controls are available on the Specific tab of this action.
· Select the variable to Match
This drop-down list is used to select which Voicemail Pro system variable should be checked for a match. Note that
with $KEY the timeout is used and additional dialing is accepted if no immediate match occurs.
· Select the parameter(s) to test the variable against
Select the types of values that should be checked for a match and if necessary entry the value. If several options are
selected, the Voicemail Pro check for a match starting from the top and working down until a match occurs.
· Variable
Check for a match against the value of another selected system variable .
· Specific
Check for a match against the value entered in the adjacent field.
· Extn
Check for a match against valid extensions on the IP Office.
· Hunt Group
Check for a match against hunt group extension numbers.
· Mailbox
Check for a match against mailboxes.
· Timeout after
The timeout value is used only if $KEY is selected as the variable to match. In that case, if no immediate match occurs
on the existing value of $KEY, the Voicemail Pro will wait for the specified timeout period for the caller to dial a new
value of $KEY.