Voicemail Pro Page 373
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Appendix: Installing IMS
16.1.Voicemail Pro Campaign Web Component is not required for IMS but is installed as part of a typical
VoicemailProServer installation. If a web server has already been installed but the Voicemail Pro Campaign Web
Component is not required, uncheck it to remove it. If Voicemail Pro Campaign Web Component is required for other
use, make sure that it is checked so that it is not removed.
16.2.Ensure that Voicemail Pro Client and Voicemail Pro Service are checked.
16.3.Check any additional languages that are required. It is recommended that either English or English US is always
selected (installed by default) in addition to any languages that are required by the customer.
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Do not uncheck any other boxes as this will remove the corresponding software features.
16.4.Scroll down and check Integrated Messaging Service. That should automatically select all the components for
16.5.Click Next.
17.If you have chosen to install the Voicemail Pro Campaign Web Component, the Select the Web Server root
directory window opens.
17.1.Type the path to the folder where you would like to save the web campaign web pages. Alternatively, use the
default location or click Browse and select a folder to use. Click Next.
17.2.The Select the Destination of the Script directory of Your Web window opens. Type the path to the folder
where the web campaign components are to be installed. Alternatively, use the default location or click Browse and
select a folder to use. Click Next.
18.The Service Account Name window opens. Details of the default administrator account are already filled in.