Voicemail Pro Page 334
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office SetResult Method
The SetResult method is used to set the $RES session variable.
result As String,
[dlgid As Long = 0]
· Parameters
· result - The new value for the $RES variable.
· dlgid - The connection ID as passed in to the script.
· Return Value
This method does not return a value. SetSavedResult Method
The SetSavedResult method is used to set the $SAV session variable.
result As String,
[dlgid As Long = 0]
· Parameters
· result - The new value for the $SAV variable.
· dlgid - The connection ID as passed in to the script.
· Return Value
This method does not return a value. SetVariable Method
The SetVariable method is used to set the $VAR session variable.
variable As String,
[dlgid As Long = 0]
· Parameters
· variable - The new value for the $VAR variable.
· dlgid - The connection ID as passed in to the script.
· Return Value
This method does not return a value.