Voicemail Pro Page 408
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office IMS Installation Alternatives
The IMS Server actually consists of two components in addition to the Voicemail Pro service, these are:
· IMS Gateway Service.
· IMS Voice Service.
Typically both these services are installed on the same server as the Voicemail Pro Service and that is the installation
process described in this documentation. However the IMS Gateway Service can be installed on the Exchange Server PC
if required. Installation of the IMS Gateway Service onto the Exchange Server PC requires more installation steps.
If the IMS Gateway Service is installed on the Exchange Server PC, IMS needs to access the Exchange server. Exchange
must be started before IMS. More specifically, the MSExchangeIS and MSExchangeMTA services must be started before
the IMS Gateway service. If the IMS and Exchange services are configured to start automatically on system boot, there
may be a problem. When the system starts, Windows will launch both the IMS and Exchange services but not necessarily
in the correct order. It is therefore necessary to force Windows to start the services in the correct order.
This is accomplished by editing the registry as follows:
1.Run regedt32.exe. This is normally located in \WINNT\SYSTEM32.
2.From the Window menu, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE option.
3.Navigate to the SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IMS(Gateway) key.
4.Open the DependOnService value. It should already contain the IMS (Restart)
5.Append the MSExchangeIS and MSExchangeMTA strings.
6.Note that the value is of type REG_MULTI_SZ, which means that each string should be separated by pressing the enter
7.Close regedt32. Restart the machine and verify that IMS starts correctly.
8.Note that it may take a few minutes after a restart for the Exchange and IMS services to be fully operational.