9-14 Command Reference
:CALCulate :AVERage :COUNt PM6680B PM6681
8 < No. of samples>
Sample Size for Statistics
Sets the number of samples to use in statistics sampling.
Parameters: <No. of samples> is a number in the range of 1 to 65535.
Returned format: < No. of samples>¿
*RST condition: 100
:CALCulate :AVERage :STATe PM6680B PM6681
8 < Boolean >
Enable Statistics
Switches On/Off the statistical function. Note that the CALCulate subsystem is au-
tomatically enabled when the statistical functions are switched on. This means that
other enabled calculate sub-blocks are indirectly switched on. The statistics must
be enabled before the measurements are performed. When the statistical function
is enabled, the counter will keep the trigger subsystem initiated until the
:CALC:AVER:COUNT variable is reached. This is done without any change in the
trigger subsystem settings. Consider that the trigger subsystem is programmed to
perform 1000 measurements when initiated. In such a case, the counter must
make 10000 measurements if the statistical function requires 9500 measurements
because the number of measurements must be a multiple of the number of mea
surements programmed in trigger subsystem (1000 in this example).
<Boolean> = ( 1/ON | 0/OFF )
Returned format: <1|0¿
*RST condition: OFF