9-132 Command Reference
*TST? PM6680B/81/85
Self Test
The self-test query causes an internal self-test and generates a response indicat
ing whether or not the device completed the self-test without any detected errors.
Returned Format: <Integer>¿
<Integer> = a number indicating errors according to the table below.
<Integer> =
PM6680B Error PM6681, PM6685 Er
0 No error
1 RAM Failure Display Failure
2 ROM 1 Failure Logic Failure
4 Logic Failure RAM Failure
8 Display Failure Bus ROM Failure
16 Not used ROM Bank 1 Failure
32 Not used ROM Bank 2 Failure
Complies to standards: IEEE 488.2 1987
*WAI PM6680B/81/85
The Wait-to-Continue command prevents the device from executing any further
commands or queries until execution of all previous commands or queries has
been completed.
In this example, *WAI makes the instrument perform both the frequency and the
Duty Cycle measurement. Without *WAI, only the Duty Cycle measurement would
be performed.
READ¬ +5.1204004E+002;+1.250030E-001
Complies to standards: IEEE 488.2 1987.