
Command Reference 9-77
:MEMory :FREE :MACRo?PM6680B/81/85
Memory Free for Macros
This command gives information of the free memory available for MACRos in the
counter. If no macros are specified, 1160 bytes are available.
Returned format:
<Bytes available>, <Bytes used>¿
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:MEMory :NSTates?PM6680B/81/85
Memory States
The Number of States query (only) requests the number of *SAV/ RCL instrument
setting memory states available in the counter. The counter responds with a value
that is one greater than the maximum that can be sent as a parameter to the *SAV
and *RCL commands. (States are numbered from 0 to max–1.)
Returned format:
<the number of states available>¿
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed