Command Reference 9-121
8 <Decimal data>
Standard Event Status Enable
Sets the enable bits of the standard event enable register. This enable register
contains a mask value for the bits to be enabled in the standard event status regis
ter. A bit that is set true in the enable register enables the corresponding bit in the
status register. An enabled bit will set the ESB (Event Status Bit) in the Status Byte
Register if the enabled event occurs. See also status reporting on page 3-14.
Parameters: <dec.data> = the sum (between 0 and 255) of all bits that are true.
Event Status Enable Register (1 = enable)
Bit Weight Enables
7 128 PON, Power-on occurred
6 64 URQ, User Request
5 32 CME, Command Error
4 16 EXE, Execution Error
3 8 DDE, Device Dependent Error
2 4 QYE, Query Error
1 2 RQC, Request Control (not used)
0 1 Operation Complete
Returned Format: <Decimal data> ¿
SEND® *ESE 8 36
In this example, command error, bit 5, and query error, bit 2, will set the ESB-bit of
the Status Byte if these errors occur.
Complies to standards: IEEE 488.2 1987.
Figure 9-3 Bits in the standard event status register.