Notation Habit in Command Syntax
To clarify the difference between short
and longform, the shortform in a syntax
specification is shown in upper case let
ters and the remaining part of the
longform in lower case letters.
Notice however, that this does not specify
the use of upper and lower case charac
ters in the message that you actually sent.
Upper and lower case letters, as used in
syntax specifications, are only a notation
convention to ease the distinction be
tween long and shortform.
Syntax of Response Messages
The response of a SCPI instrument to a
query (response message unit) consists of
one or more parameters (data elements)
as the following syntax diagram shows.
There is no header returned.
If there are multiple queries in a program
message, the instrument groups the multi
ple response message units together in
one response message according to the
following syntax:
The response message terminator (rmt) is
always NL
^END, where:
^END is <new line> code (equal to
<line feed> code = ASCII 10 decimal)
sent concurrently with the END message.
The END message is sent by asserting the
EOI line of the GPIB bus.
A SCPI instrument always sends its re-
sponse data in shortform and in capitals.
You program an instrument with the fol-
lowing command:
Then you send the following query to the
The instrument will return:
response in shortform and in capitals.
Introduction to SCPI
Program and Response Messages 3-9
<Param eter>
Figure 3-8 Syntax of a Response
Message Unit.
<Respons M essage Unit>
Fig 3-9 Syntax of a Terminated
Response Message.