*ESR? Reads the Standard Event Status
:STATus:OPERation? Reads the
Operation Status Event register
:STATus:QUEStionable? Reads the
Questionable Status Event register
:STATus:DREGister0? Reads Device
Event register
When you read these registers, you will
clear the register you read and the sum
mary message bit in the status byte.
You can also clear all event registers with
the *CLS (Clear Status) command.
Status Condition Registers
Two of the status register structures also
have condition registers: The Status Op-
eration and the Status Questionable regis-
The condition registers differ from the
event registers in that they are not
latched. That is, if a condition in the
counter goes on and then off, the condi-
tion register indicates true while the con-
dition is on and false when the condition
goes off. The Event register that monitors
the same condition continues to indicate
true until you read the register.
Reads the Operation Status Condition reg
tion? Reads the Questionable Status
Condition register
Reading the condition register will not af
fect the contents of the register.
Why Two Types of Registers?
Let’s say that the counter measures con
tinuously and you want to monitor the
measurement cycle by reading the Opera
tion Status register.
Reading the Event Register will always
show that a measurement has started, that
waiting for triggering and bus arming has
occurred and that the measurement is
stopped. This information is not very use
Reading the Condition Register on the
other hand gives only the status of the
measurement cycle, for instance “Mea
surement stopped”.
Although it is possible to read the
condition registers directly, we
recommend that you use SRQ
when monitoring the measure
ment cycle. The measurement
cycle is disturbed when you read
condition registers.
The way to work when writing your bus
program is as follows:
Set up
Set up the enable registers so that the
events you are interested in are summa
rized in the status byte.
Set up the enable masks so that the condi
tions you want to be alerted about generate
SRQ. It is good practice to generate SRQ
on the EAV bit. So, enable the EAV-bit via
Check & Action
Check if an SRQ has been received.
Make a serial poll of the instruments
on the bus until you find the instru
ment that issued the SRQ (the instru
ment that has RQS bit true in the Sta
tus Byte).
Using the Subsystems
Status Subsystem 6-19