Command Reference 9-97
:TOTalize :GATEPM6680B/81/85
8 <Boolean>
Gate On/Off
Open/closes the gate for :TOTalize[:CONTinuous].
Before opening the gate with this command, the counter must be in the ‘contin
uously initiated’ state , (:INIT:CONT 8 ON)or else the totalizing will not start.
Parameters: <Boolean> = (1 / ON|0/OFF)
Returned format: <Boolean>¿
Send ® :FUNC 8 ‘TOT 8 1’ Selects totalizing
on input A
This will initiate totalizing, reset the totalizing value to zero, and start totalizing.
Send ® TOT:GATE 8 OFF Stop totalizing
Read ¬ :FETCh:ARRay? 8 -1 Read the final result
*RST condition: OFF
:VOLTage:GATed:STATePM6680B PM6681
8 <Boolean>
Gated Voltage Measurement
Selects the gated mode for the :VOLTage:MAX|MIN|PTPeak measuring func-
tions and for the Autotrigger function.
The gated mode is useful for removing overshoot and undershoot. The gate signal
is controlled by the :ARM:STOP:SLOPe and :ARM:STOP:SOURce commands. If
channel 2 (B) is the source for the gating signal, all other characteristics of that
channel can be used. When Gated Voltage is selected, the Stop Arming function is
disabled from its normal stop arming usage. When gated voltage mode is selected,
high enables measurement and low disables measurements. Use the slope if you
want it the other way around.
<Boolean> = 1/ON|0/OFF
Returned format:
1|0 ¿
*RST condition: OFF