
9-24 Command Reference
:CALibration :INTerpolator :AUTO PM6680B/85
8 <Boolean>| ONCE
Calibration of Interpolator
The PM6680B/85 are reciprocal counters that uses an interpolating technique to
increase the resolution. In time measurements, for example, interpolation in
creases the resolution from 100 ns to 0.25 ns.
The counter calibrates the interpolators automatically once for every measurement
when this command is ON. When this command is OFF, the counter does no cali
brations but uses the values from the last preceding calibration. The intention of
this command is to turn off the auto calibration for applications that dump mea
surements into the internal memory. This will increase the measurement speed.
Returned format: 1|0¿
*RST condition: ON
See also:
Chapter 6, ‘How to Measure Fast’.