
Command Reference 9-125
Operation Complete Query
Operation Complete query. The Operation Complete query places an ASCii char
acter 1 into the device’s Output Queue when all pending selected device opera
tions have been finished.
Returned Format: 1¿
See also:
Example 6 is Chapter 4.
Complies to standards: IEEE 488.2 1987.
Option Identification
Response is a list of all detectable options present in the instrument, with absent
options represented with an ASCii ‘0’.
Returned format:
<Bus option>,<Prescaler option>¿
<Bus option> = GPIB
<Prescaler option> = 0|10|20
0 for prescaler option means that no prescaler is installed.
Oscillator type are not detectable and can therefore, not be reported.
Complies to standards: IEEE 488.2 1987.