
log in
To identify yourself to the operating system. When you log
in, you type an account name and password. If the name and
password match an account on the system, you are allowed
access to that account.
login command
The command issued at the operating system prompt that allows
access to and communication with the system.
loopback connector
An Ethernet or communications connector used on the back of
the system unit when testing the Ethernet subsystem or the
synchronous communications adapter.
loopback tests
Diagnostic tests used to isolate a failure by testing segments of a
particular control or data path.
magnetic tape
A tape, made of plastic and coated with magnetic oxide, that is
used to store data. Also called magtape.
Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP)
The transport protocol for network bootstraps and other network
mass storage device
An input/output device on which data is stored. Typical mass
storage devices include fixed disks, compact discs, magnetic
tapes, and diskettes.
See megabit.
See megabyte.
The physical material on which data is recorded, for example,
magnetic disks, diskettes, and compact discs.