A device that has an address on, is connected to, and is able
to communicate with other devices on the bus. In a computer
network, an individual computer system connected to the
network that can communicate with other systems on the
node name
A name that identifies a unique node.
nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM)
Memory, such as magnetic tape or core memory, in which values
are stored even when the system is turned off.
See nanosecond.
null modem
A connection box or cable that replaces two modems and their
connecting wires. This box allows two devices that are designed
to interact through modems to be locally connected.
See nonvolatile random-access memory.
online documentation
Documents that can be read directly on your monitor screen.
Online documentation is stored on a compact disc, local disks, or
the network and includes all text and illustrations found in the
printed manuals. Fast access time and cross-referencing are two
advantages of online documentation.
Open Software Foundation (OSF)
A foundation formed to develop open design software based on
the UNIX standard. Development to date includes the OSF/1
operating system, the Distributed Computing Environment
(DCE), and the Distributed Management Environment (DME).