A video device that displays data.
See Maintenance Operations Protocol.
A hand-held input device that is moved across the desktop to
move the pointer or cursor on the monitor screen and to select
menu options and draw graphics. The mouse is palm-sized and
contains up to three buttons (function keys).
To transmit several messages or signals simultaneously on the
same circuit or channel.
A processing method that replicates the sequential computer and
interconnects the collection so that each processor can execute
the same or a different program at the same time.
multiprocessing system
A system that executes multiple tasks simultaneously.
nanosecond (nS)
A unit of measure equal to one billionth of one second, used to
measure the speed of memory and logic chips.
Two or more computers linked by communication lines to share
information and resources.
network administrator
The person who manages the network, assigns unique node
names and addresses for each system on the network, and
provides administrative assistance to network users.