
SonicWALL PortShield Interfaces
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
To select ports and apply them to a previously configured interface, perform the following steps:
1. Create a PortShield interface following the steps in “Overview” on page 160, but do not map
ports to it by going into the Switch Ports tab.
2. Click the Networks option in the navigation pane and then click the Switch Ports option.
SonicOS displays the Switch Ports window.
3. Note the color of the ports. While you can map any port, no matter what its color, to an
interface, you should be aware of whether it has been selected for use in another PortShield
From the device graphic, see if any of the ports you want to select appear in black or
another color. If they are black, they are unused by another PortShield interface. If they
are another color, they are in use. Just be cognizant of ones that are being used and
what impact your remapping the port will have on the existing interface.
From the Switch Ports list, see if any of the ports in the PortShield Interface list have
been selected as a PortShield interface.
Be cognizant of ones that are being used and what impact your remapping the port will have
on the existing interface.
4. On the appliance graphic, click on ports 3, 4, and 5. The selected port graphics appear as
yellow as shown in the following figure (if you are viewing this document in color).
5. Click the Configure button. SonicOS displays the Switch Port Settings dialog box as shown
in the following figure.
Note the Name field displays the ports you selected (P3, P4, P5).