
Security Services > Content Filter
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Trusted Domains
Trusted Domains can be added in the Restrict Web Features section. If you trust content on
specific domains, you can select Don’t block Java/ActiveX/Cookies to Trusted Domains
and then add the Trusted Domains to the SonicWALL by clicking on Add. The Add Trusted
Domain Entry window appears for entering the trusted domain name.
Don’t Block Java/ActiveX/Cookies to Trusted Domains - Select this option if you have
trusted domains using Java, ActiveX, and Cookies. To add a trusted domain, enter the domain
name into the Add Trusted Domain field. Click OK to add the domain to the list of trusted
domains. To delete a domain, select it from the list, and then click Delete.
Message to Display when Blocking
You can enter your customized text in the Message to Display when Blocking text box that
displays to the user when access to a blocked site is attempted. The default message is The
site is blocked by the SonicWALL Content Filter Service. Any message, including
embedded HTML, up to 255 characters long, can be entered in this field.