
Log > Categories
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Managing Log Categories
The Log Categories table displays log category information organized into the following
Category - Displays log category name.
Description - Provides description of the log category activity type.
Log - Provides checkbox for enabling/disabling the display of the log events in on the Log
> View page.
Alerts - Provides checkbox for enabling/disabling the sending of alerts for the category.
Syslog - Provides checkbox for enabling/disabling the capture of the log events into the
SonicWALL security appliance Syslog.
Event Count - Displays the number of events for that category. Clicking the Refresh button
updates these numbers.
You can sort the log categories in the Log Categories table by clicking on the column header.
For example, clicking on the Category header sorts the log categories in descending order
from the default ascending order. An up or down arrow to the left of the column name indicates
whether the column is assorted in ascending or descending order.
You can enable or disable Log, Alerts, and Syslog on a category by category basis by clicking
on the check box for the category in the table. You can enable or disable Log, Alerts, and
Syslog for all categories by clicking the checkbox on the column header.