
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Configuring VoIP Logging
You can enable the logging of VoIP events in the SonicWALL security appliance log in the Log
> Categories page. Log entries are displayed on the Log > View page. To enable logging:
Step 1 Select Log > Categories.
Step 2 Select Expanded Categories from the View Style menu in the Log Categories section.
Step 3 Locate the VoIP (VOIP H.323/RAS, H.323/H.225, H.323/H.245 activity) entry in the table.
Step 4 Select Log to enable the display of VoIP log events in on the Log > View page.
Step 5 Select Alerts to enable the sending of alerts for the category.
Step 6 Select Syslog to enable the capture of the log events into the SonicWALL security appliance
Step 7 Click Apply.
VoIP Deployment Scenarios
SonicWALL security appliances can be deployed VoIP devices can be deployed in a variety of
network configurations. This section describes the following deployment scenarios:
“Generic Deployment Scenario” on page 531
“Deployment Scenario 1: Point-to-Point VoIP Service” on page 531
“Deployment Scenario 2: Public VoIP Service” on page 532
“Deployment Scenario 3: Trusted VoIP Service” on page 533
Generic Deployment Scenario
All three of the follow deployment scenarios begin with the following basic configuration
Step 1 Enable bandwidth management on the WAN interface on Network > Interfaces.
Step 2 Configure SIP or H.323 transformations and inactivity settings on VoIP > Settings.
Step 3 Configure the DHCP Server on the Network > DHCP Server page with static private IP address
assignments to VoIP clients.
Step 4 Enable SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service to provided application-layer protection for
VoIP communications on the Security Services > Intrusion Prevention page.
Step 5 Connect VoIP Clients to network.
Deployment Scenario 1: Point-to-Point VoIP Service
The point-to-point VoiP service deployment is common for remote locations or small office
environments that use a VoIP end point device connected to the network behind the firewall to
receive calls directly from the WAN. The VoIP end point device on the Internet connects to VoIP
client device on LAN behind the firewall using the SonicWALL security appliance’s Public IP
address. The following figure shows a point-to-point VoIP service topology