
Firewall > Access Rules
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
The outbound SMTP traffic is guaranteed 20 percent of available bandwidth available to it and
can get as much as 40 percent of available bandwidth. If this is the only access rule using
bandwidth management, it has priority over all other access rules on the SonicWALL security
appliance. Other access rules use the remaining bandwidth (minus 20 percent of bandwidth, or
greater than minus 20 percent and less than minus 40 percent of bandwidth).
Note Note: Access rules using bandwidth management have a higher priority than access rules
not using bandwidth management. Access rules without bandwidth management are given
lowest priority.
Tip You must select Bandwidth Management on the WAN > Ethernet page. Click Network, then
Configure in the WAN line of the Interfaces table, and type your available bandwidth in the
Available WAN Bandwidth (Kbps) field.
Configuration Task List
This section provides a list of the following configuration tasks:
“Displaying Access Rules with View Styles” section on page 423
“Configuring Access Rules for a Zone” section on page 424
“Adding Access Rules” section on page 426
“Editing an Access Rule” section on page 429
“Deleting an Access Rule” section on page 429
“Enabling and Disabling an Access Rule” section on page 429
“Restoring Access Rules to Default Zone Settings” section on page 429
“Displaying Access Rule Traffic Statistics” section on page 429
“Connection Limiting Overview” section on page 429
“Access Rule Configuration Examples” section on page 430
Displaying Access Rules with View Styles
Access rules can be displayed in multiple views using SonicOS Enhanced. You can select the
type of view from the selections in the View Style section. The following View Styles are
All Rules - Select All Rules to display all access rules configured on the SonicWALL
security appliance.
Matrix - Displays as From/To with LAN, WAN, VPN, or other interface in the From row,
and LAN, WAN, VPN, or other interface in the To column. Select the Edit icon
in the
table cell to view the access rules.
Drop-down Boxes - Displays two pull-down menus: From Zone and To Zone. Select an
interface from the From Zone menu and select an interface from the To Zone menu. Click
OK and access rules defined for the two interfaces are displayed.