Security Services > Content Filter
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Configuring N2H2 Internet Filtering
N2H2 is a third party Internet filtering package that allows you to use Internet content filtering
through the SonicWALL.
Step 1 Select N2H2 from the Content Filter Type list.
Step 2 Click Configure to display the N2H2 Properties window.
Note Note! You specify enforcement of content filtering on the Network > Zones page.
N2H2 Properties
The General page includes the following settings. After configuring N2H2 content filtering in
the N2H2 Properties window, click OK.
N2H2 Server Status
This section displays the status of the N2H2 Internet Filtering Protocol (IFP) server you are
using for Internet filtering.
• Server Host Name or IP Address - Enter the Server Host Name or the IP address of the
N2H2 Internet Filtering Protocol (IFP) server used to receive IFP requests.
• Listen Port - Enter the UDP port number for the N2H2 Internet Filtering Protocol (IFP)
server to “listen” for the N2H2 traffic. The default port is 4005.
• Reply Port - Enter the UCP port number for the N2H2 server to send packets from the
N2H2 client to the SonicWALL. The default port is 4005.
• User Name - The User Name refers to a configuration of users, a group of users, or network
defined within the N2H2 software.
• If Server is unavailable for (seconds) - Defines what action is taken if the N2H2 server is
unavailable. The default value for timeout of the server is 5 seconds, but you can enter a
value between 1 and 10 seconds.
Block traffic to all Web sites - Selecting this option blocks traffic to all Web sites
except Allowed Domains until the N2H2 server is available.
Allow traffic to all Web sites - Selecting this option allows traffic to all Web sites
without N2H2 server filtering. However, Forbidden Domains and Keywords, if enabled,
are still blocked.
• If Server marks URL as blocked - If the N2H2 server becomes unavailable, select from
the following two options:
Block Access to URL - If this check box is selected, the SonicWALL logs and then
blocks access. The SonicWALL also logs attempts to access these sites.
Log Access to URL - Select the check box and the SonicWALL allows access to
blocked URLs but logs access activities.