
Network > NAT Policies
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Step 3 Create Inbound NAT Rule for Group -- Now create a NAT rule to allow anyone attempting to
access the VIP to get translated to the address group you just created, using Sticky IP as the
NAT method. For an example see the screenshot below.
Note Do not save the NAT rule just yet.
Step 4 Set LB Type and Server Liveliness Method -- On the Advanced tab of the NAT policy
configuration control, you can specify that the object (or group of objects, or group of groups)
be monitored via ICMP ping or by checking for TCP sockets opened. For this example, we are
going to check to see if the server is up and responding by monitoring TCP port 80 (which is
good, since that is what people are trying to access). You can now click on the OK button to
save and activate the changes.