SonicPoint > SonicPoints
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Default Key: Select which key in the list below is the default key, which will be tried first
when trying to authenticate a user.
Key Entry: Select whether the key is alphanumeric or hexadecimal.
Key 1 - Key 4: Enter the encryptions keys for WEP encryption. Enter the most likely to
be used in the field you selected as the default key.
Step 4 In the 802.11g Advanced tab, configure the performance settings for the 802.11g radio. For
most 802.11g advanced options, the default settings give optimum performance.
Hide SSID in Beacon: Check this option to have the SSID broadcast as part of the
wireless beacon, rather than as a separate broadcast.
Schedule IDS Scan: Select a time when there are fewer demands on the wireless
network to schedule an Intrusion Detection Service (IDS) scan to minimize the
inconvenience of dropped wireless connections.
Data Rate: Select the speed at which the data is transmitted and received. Best
automatically selects the best rate available in your area given interference and other
factors. You can select: Best, 6 Mbps, 9 Mbps, 12 Mbps, 18 Mbps, 24 Mbps, 36
Mbps, 48 Mbps, or 54 Mbps.
Transmit Power: Select the transmission power. Transmission power effects the range
of the SonicPoint. You can select: Full Power, Half (-3 dB), Quarter (-6 dB), Eighth
(-9 dB), or Minimum.
Antenna Diversity: The Antenna Diversity setting determines which antenna the
SonicPoint uses to send and receive data. You can select:
• Best: This is the default setting. When Best is selected, the SonicPoint
automatically selects the antenna with the strongest, clearest signal. In most cases,
Best is the optimal setting.
• 1: Select 1 to restrict the SonicPoint to use antenna 1 only. Facing the rear of the
SonicPoint, antenna 1 is on the left, closest to the power supply.
• 2: Select 2 to restrict the SonicPoint to use antenna 2 only. Facing the rear of the
SonicPoint, antenna 2 is on the right, closest to the console port.
Beacon Interval (milliseconds): Enter the number of milliseconds between sending
out a wireless beacon.