Wireless > WEP/WPA Security
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Preshared Key Settings (PSK)
• Passphrase: Enter the passphrase from which the key is generated.
Click Apply in the top right corner to apply your WPA2 settings.
WPA2-EAP Settings
Encryption Mode: In the Authentication Type field, select WPA-EAP.
WPA Settings
• Cypher Type: select AES. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is an advanced block
cipher protocol for enforcing key integrity.
• Group Key Update: Specifies when the SonicWALL Secure Anti-Virus Router 80 Wireless
updates the key. Select By Timeout to generate a new group key after an interval specified
in seconds. Select By Packet to generate a new group key after a specific number of
packets. Select Disabled to use a static key.
• Interval: If you selected By Timeout, enter the number of seconds before WPA2
automatically generates a new group key.
• Packet Threshold: If you selected By Packet, select the number (x 1000) of packets to
pass before generating a new group key.
Extensible Authentication Protocol Settings (EAS)
• Radius Server 1 IP and Port: Enter the IP address and port number for your primary
RADIUS server.
• Radius Server 1 Secret: Enter the password for access to Radius Server
• Radius Server 2 IP and Port: Enter the IP address and port number for your secondary
RADIUS server, if you have one.
• Radius Server 2 Secret: Enter the password for access to Radius Server
Click Apply in the top right corner to apply your WPA2 settings.