14- ENG
Before First Start-up
Break-in Procedure
Serious damage
may result if the
following break-in instructions are
not closely followed.
This procedure is required when:
1. Before the air compressor is used
for the fi rst time.
2. When the unloader valve is
3. When a complete compressor
pump is replaced.
The procedure:
1. To prevent pressure from building
up in the air tanks during this
break-in period, you must
open the unit's unloader valve.
Place unloader valve in "Open"
position as shown.
2. Turn shut-off valve knob into
open position.
3. Start engine. See engine manual
supplied by engine manufacturer
for correct procedure.
Shut Off Valve: Opens and closes air
fl ow.
Drain Valve: The drain valve is
located at the base of the air tank and
is used to drain condensation at the
end of each use.
Air Intake Filter (not shown): This
fi lter is designed to clean air coming
into the pump. This fi lter must
always be clean and ventilation
openings free from obstructions. See
Stop Lever:
Used to
stop engine.
Push down
and hold
until engine
shuts off.
How to Use Your Unit
How to Stop:
1. See the engine manufacturer's
manual for the procedure to
safely shut down the gasoline
engine. Turning the gasoline
engine off will turn off the air
compressor as well.
Shut-off Valve
Stop Lever