Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.27 portmaptime (for 2800 Series)
This command allows you to set a time of keeping the session connection for specified
portmaptime [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]
Syntax Description
DelayTime It displays current IP address for vigor router.
-t <TCP> It means “TCP” protocol.
-u <UDP> It means “UDP” protocol.
-i <IGMP> It means “IGMP” protocol.
-l <List> List all settings.
[…] It means that you can type in several commands in one line.
> portmap -t 86400 -u 300 -i 10
> portmap -l
-------Your setting (min)------
-------TCP Time: 86400 ------
-------UDP Time: 300 ------
-------IGMP Time: 10 ------