Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.16.7 mngt defenseworm
This command can block specified port for passing through the router.
mngt defenseworm [?]
mngt defenseworm [on]
mngt defenseworm [off]
mngt defenseworm [add port]
mngt defenseworm [del port]
mngt defenseworm [viewlog]
mngt defenseworm [clearlog]
Syntax Description
? It means to display current status. The default setting for Block TCP
port includes 135, 137, 138, 139 and 445.
on It means to activate the function of defense worm packet out.
off It means to inactivate the function of defense worm packet out.
add port It means to add a new TCP port for block.
del port It means to delete a TCP port for block.
viewlog It means to display current log of
clearlog It means the
viewlog It means to display a log of defense worm packet, including source
MAC and source IP.
clearlog It means to remvoe the log of defense worm packet.
> mngt defenseworm add 21
Add TCP port 21
Block TCP port list: 135, 137, 138, 139, 445, 21
> mngt defenseworm del 21
Delete TCP port 21
Block TCP port list: 135, 137, 138, 139, 445