Draytek 1.11 Router User Manual

Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.19 vpn
2.19.1 vpn l2lset
This command allows users to set advanced parameters for LAN to LAN function.
vpn l2lset [list index] peerid [peerid]
vpn l2lset [list index] localid [localid]
vpn l2lset [list index]main [auto/proposal index]
vpn l2lset [list index] aggressive [g1/g2]
vpn l2lset [list index]pfs [on/off]
vpn l2lset [list index] phase1[lifetime]
vpn l2lset [list index] phase2[lifetime]
Syntax Description
list index It means the index number of L2L profile.
peerid It means the peer identity for aggressive mode.
localid It means the local identity for aggressive mode.
main It means to choose proposal for main mode.
auto index It means to choose default proposals.
proposal index It means to choose specified proposal.
aggressive It means the chosen DH group for aggressive mode.
pfs It means “perfect forward secresy”.
on/off It means to turn on or off the PFS function.
phase1 It means phase 1 of IKE.
lifetime It means the lifetime value (in second) for phase 1 and phase 2.
phase2 It means phase 2 of IKE.
> VPN l2lset 1 peerid 10226