Vilter Slide Valve Actuator Calibration Procedure for Optical Style Motors
Assuming that the ACTUATOR motors have not been calibrated, the transmitter output of the ACTUATOR motor
will fluctuate wildly until they are calibrated. To prevent damage to ACTUATOR motors, do not connect the Power
Cable (Yellow TURCK cable) or the Position Transmitter Cable (Gray TURCK cable) until instructed to do so in this
1. Open the plastic cover of the capacity motor by removing the four #10 Pan Head Phillips screws. Gently lift the
cover and tilt it toward the TURCK connectors. Raise the cover enough to be able to press the blue calibrate button
and to be able to see the red LED on the top of the assembly.
CAUTION: Handling the cover too aggressively may break the four wires attaching the cover-mounted connector
to the circuit board.
2. Remove actuator motor cover(s).
3. Log In on the Vission 20/20.
4. From the main screen select the Menu button.
5. On the menu screen select the Slide Calibration button.
Slide Calibration