24 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Configuration: Encoder > Video
The WM appliance supports multiple bit rate (MBR) whereby several streams are encoded at
different bit rates. In this encoding strategy, the Windows Media Player negotiates with the
appliance (or with a Windows Media Server) to select and play the stream that is most
appropriate for current bandwidth conditions. Many of the configuration settings in this
section are MBR-specific. For more about MBR, see Using Multiple Bit Rate Streams
page 8. Note that you can over subscribe the WM appliance by configuring multiple video
rates using resolutions and frame rates and/or bit rates that are too high. The exact
combinations that are too high will vary depending on the video content you are encoding.
Monitor the Status: Encoder Status
page for Unexpected Frames Dropped which indicates
the encoder is over subscribed.
Cable/DSL 300K High Motion Approximately 300 Kbps with medium rate mono audio
and medium resolution video at 30 frames per second.
Cable/DSL 300K Low Motion Approximately 300 Kbps with medium rate mono audio
and high resolution video at 15 frames per second.
Cable/DSL 128K High Motion † Approximately 128 Kbps with medium rate mono audio
and lower resolution video at 15 frames per second.
Cable/DSL 128K Low Motion Approximately 128 Kbps with medium rate mono audio
and medium resolution video at 10 frames per second.
Modem 56K Approximately 56 Kbps with low rate mono audio and
low resolution video at 7.5 frames per second.
Security & Surveillance Approximately 170 Kbps with very low rate mono audio
and high resolution video at 1 frame per second.
† Default template. The appliance is configured and shipped with this template installed and
the values you initially see in IWS are those defined by this template.
Note Any change in the configuration settings for any of the video encoders will cause a
brief interruption of video and audio for all three encoders. All streams being sent
from the unit (including multicast and push) are interrupted. Any active HTTP or
RSTP clients will be dropped and any archive file in progress will be closed.
Template Name Description