General Description
Section 1
1.21 Steel/Concrete/Timber Design
Extensive design capabilities are available in STAAD for steel,
concrete and timber sections. Detailed information on steel,
concrete and timber design is presented in Sections 2, 3 and 4
See sections
2, 3 and 4
1.22 Footing Design
A footing design facility capable of designing individual footings
for user specified support(s) is available. All active load cases are
checked and design is performed for the support reaction(s) which
requires the maximum footing size. Parameters are available to
control the design. Output includes footing dimensions and
reinforcement details. Dowel bars and development lengths are
also calculated and included in the design output. Detailed
description and command specification(s) for footing design is
available in section 5.52 of this manual.
section 5.52
1.23 Printing Facilities
All input data and output may be printed using PRINT commands
available in STAAD. The input is normally echoed back in the
output. However, if required, the echo can be switched off.
Extensive listing facilities are provided in almost all PRINT
commands to allow the user to specify joints, members and
elements for which values are required.