
Section 5
Delaunay triangle method used in the ELASTIC MAT option,
which is that the contour formed by the nodes of the mat must
form a convex hull.
The PLATE MAT DIR ALL option : Similar to the Plate Mat
except that the spring supports are generated in all 3 directions. If
the compression only option is also specified, then the
compression direction will be assumed to be in the Y direction. If
the Y spring at a joint goes slack (lift off), then the X and Z spring
stiffnesses for that joint will also be set to zero. Otherwise the X
and Z springs act in both directions. The influence area for the X
and Z springs is the same as used for the Y spring. Three values
of subgrade reaction may be entered, the first is for the Y
direction, the second for X and the third for Z.
The DIRection option : The keyword DIR is followed by one of
the alphabets X, Y or Z (or XONLY, YONLY, or ZONLY) which
indicate the direction of resistance of the spring supports. If X or
Y or Z is selected then a spring support is generated in that
direction plus 3 other directions receive a fixed support, e.g. if Y
is selected, then FY is supported by a spring; FX and FZ and MY
are fixed supports; and MX and MZ are free. If XONLY, YONLY,
or ZONLY are selected then only a spring support in that direction
is generated.
The SUBGRADE option : The keyword SUBGRADE is followed
by the value of the subgrade reaction. The value should be
provided in the current unit system signified by the most recent
UNIT statement prior to the SUPPORT command.
The PRINT option : Prints the influence area of each joint.
The COMP option
: The springs generated will be compression
The MULTI option
: The springs generated will be multilinear.
Add the associated multilinear curve input after each MAT
command (with the multi option) to describe the displacement-
spring constant curve. See section 5.27.4 for additional