Section 1
Figure 1.37 shows a floor structure with area load specification
of 0.1.
12 3 4 5
10 11 12 13
4m 5m6m
Figure 1.37
Member 1 will have a linear load of 0.3 at one end and 0.2 at the
other end. Members 2 and 4 will have a uniform load of 0.5 over
the full length. Member 3 will have a linear load of 0.45 and 0.55
at respective ends. Member 5 will have a uniform load of 0.25.
The rest of the members, 6 through 13, will have no contributory
area load since the nearest parallel members are more than each of
the member lengths apart. However, the reactions from the
members to the girder will be considered.
Only member loads are generated from the Area, Oneway and
Floor load input. Thus, load types specific to plates, solids or
surface are not generated. That is because, the basic assumption is
that, a floor load or area load is used in situations where the basic
entity (plate, solid or surface) which acts as the medium for
application of that load, is not part of the structural model.