Section 2
Table 2.4 - AISC LRFD Parameters
Parameter Default Description
Name Value
UNT Member Length Unsupported length (L
) of the top* flange for
calculating flexural strength. Will be used only if
flexural compression is on the top flange.
UNB Member Length Unsupported length (L
) of the bottom* flange
for calculating flexural strength. Will be used
only if flexural compression is on the bottom
STIFF Member Length or
depth whichever is
Spacing of stiffeners for beams for shear
CB ** 1.0 Coefficient C
per Chapter F. If C
is set to 0.0,
it will be calculated by the program. Any other
value will be directly used in design.
TRACK 0.0 0.0 = Suppress all design strengths.
1.0 = Print all design strengths.
2.0 = Print expanded design output.
DMAX 45.0 in. Maximum allowable depth.
DMIN 0.0 in. Minimum allowable depth.
DFF None
(Mandatory for
deflection check)
"Deflection Length" / Maxm. allowable local
DJ1 Start Joint
of member
Joint No. denoting starting point for calculation
of "Deflection Length" (See Note 1 of Table
DJ2 End Joint of member Joint No. denoting end point for calculation of
"Deflection Length" (See Note 1of Table 2.1)
CAN 0 0 = deflection check based on the principle that
maximum deflection occurs within the span
between DJ1 and DJ2.
1 = deflection check based on the principle that
maximum deflection is of the cantilever type
RATIO 1.0 Permissible ratio of actual load effect to design
BEAM 1.0 0.0 = design at ends and those locations
specified by SECTION command.
1.0 = design at ends and at every 1/12
along member length. (Default)