Section 4
Table 4.2 - AITC 1985 Timber Design Parameters
Parameter Default Description
Name Value
LZ Length of
the Member(L)
Effective length of the column in
LY -DO- Same as above in y-axis.
LUZ 1.92*L Unsupported effective length for
beam in z.
LUY 1.92*L Unsupported effective length for
beam in y.
WET 0.0 0.0 - dry condition
1.0 - wet condition
wet use factors are in-built
NSF 1.0 Net section factor for tension
members. (both shear and
tension stresses are based on
sectional area x nsf )
CDT 1.0 Duration of load factor
CSF 1.0 Form factor
CTM 1.0 Temp. factor
CCR 1.0 Curvature factor.
RATIO 1.0 Permissible ratio of actual to
allowable stresses.
LAMINATION 1.50 inch Thickness of lamination in inch
(1.50 or 1.375)
BEAM 1.0 0.0 = design for end forces or at
locations specified by
section command.
1.0 = calculate moments at
twelfths sections along the
beam and use the max. for
design. (Default)
i. In case the column buckling is restrained in Y and/or Z
direction provide LY and/or LZ as zero(s). Similarly, lateral
beam buckling in Y and/or Z direction could be restrained by
providing LUY and/or LUZ as zeros.
ii. Size Factor, lateral stability and moisture content factors and
few others are either calculated or read from tables within the