STAAD Commands and Input Instructions
Section 5
5.13.3 Surface Entities Specification
In order to facilitate rapid modeling of complex walls and slabs, a
type of entity called Surface is available. At the modeling level, it
corresponds to the entire structural part, such as a wall, floor slab
or bridge deck. At the analysis level, it is first decomposed into a
number of quadrilateral plate elements. Thus the Surface is a
superelement for modeling purposes (it is composed from a
number of plate elements). Consequently, the user has the
convenience of specifying only one large structural component per
wall or slab, yet may maintain full control over the computational
accuracy by setting the desired number of finite element divisions.
Surfaces may include rectangular openings.
The attributes associated with the surface element, and the sections
of this manual where the information may be obtained, are listed
Attributes Related
Surfaces incidences - 5.13.3
Openings in surfaces - 5.13.3
Local coordinate system for surfaces - 1.6.3
Specifying sections for stress/force output - 5.13.3
Property for surfaces - 5.21.2
Material constants - 5.26.3
Surface loading -
Stress/Force output printing - 5.42
Shear Wall Design - 3.8.2, 5.53