Section 2
Sect. C1 of the LRFD specification, an analysis of second
order effects is required. Thus, when using LRFD code for steel
design, the user must use the P-Delta analysis feature of STAAD.
2.14.4 Section Classification
The LRFD specification allows inelastic deformation of section
elements. Thus local buckling becomes an important criterion.
Steel sections are classified as compact, noncompact or slender
element sections depending upon their local buckling
characteristics. This classification is a function of the geometric
properties of the section. The design procedures are different
depending on the section class. STAAD is capable of determining
the section classification for the standard shapes and user specified
shapes and design accordingly.
2.14.5 Axial Tension
The criteria governing the capacity of tension members is based on
two limit states. The limit state of yielding in the gross section is
intended to prevent excessive elongation of the member. The
second limit state involves fracture at the section with the
minimum effective net area. The net section area may be specified
by the user through the use of the parameter NSF (see Table 2.2).
STAAD calculates the tension capacity of a given member based
on these two limit states and proceeds with member selection or
code check accordingly.