American Steel Design
Section 2
2.14.6 Axial Compression
The column strength equations have been revised in LRFD to take
into account inelastic deformation and other recent research in
column behavior. Two equations governing column strength are
available, one for inelastic buckling and the other for elastic or
Euler buckling. Both equations include the effects of residual
stresses and initial out-of-straightness. Compression strength for a
particular member is calculated by STAAD according to the
procedure outlined in Chapter E of the LRFD specifications. For
slender elements, the procedure described in Appendix B5.3 is
Singly symmetric and unsymmetric compression members are
designed on the basis of the limit states of flexural-torsional and
torsional buckling. The procedure of Appendix E3 is implemented
for the determination of design strength for these limit states.
Effective length for calculation of compression resistance may be
provided through the use of the parameters KY, KZ and/or LY,
LZ. If not provided, the entire member length will be taken into
In addition to the compression resistance criterion, compression
members are required to satisfy slenderness limitations which are a
function of the nature of use of the member (main load resisting
component, bracing member, etc.). In both the member selection
and code checking process, STAAD immediately does a
slenderness check on appropriate members before continuing with
other procedures for determining the adequacy of a given member.