Section 3
Slab Interactive Design offers the following advantages:
1. Bending and shear design, fully conforming to the ACI 318-02
2. Design based on finite element analysis - no limitations of
traditional design approaches, such as the Direct Design or
Equivalent Frame methods.
3. It is suitable for systems with non-uniform slab thickness.
4. Reinforcing calculations may be based on extremum or average
bending moment.
5. Layout of reinforcement may be exported in dxf format for use
in contract documents.
The fundamental design entity in the Slab Design module is a
panel. The program performs design on a panel-by-panel basis.
The panel is a portion of the slab that is delineated in one of the
following two ways:
a. At a launch of the module, all areas of the slab that are
rectangular and are enclosed by beams on all four sides are
automatically defined as panels, or,
b. The user may manually define a panel of an arbitrary
shape. Any number of panels can be defined anywhere
within the slab area.
The program performs design in the following modes:
a. Full panel design, including reinforcing for orthogonal
column and middle strips. This option is available for
rectangular panels only. They may be automatically
generated by the program or manually entered by the user.
b. Design for a specific section of a panel, chosen by the
user. This mode is suitable for both rectangular and other
shapes of panels. The selection of the design section
defines the directions of reinforcing that the program will